Want to add your car related event to our calendar?


IMPORTANT MESSAGE - Please Read before submitting.

This calendar was developed with the organizers in mind. It contains past events in order to make it easier to determine what shows were scheduled and when. The ability to scroll BACK TO PAST MONTHS allows you to fully research (an ability other calendars do not provide) in an effort NOT to double book car shows. Please DO NOT schedule a show on the same date as another group. Scroll back to the prior year to investigate fully and CONTACT the group who used the date in the year prior to verify if they will be hosting the event again in the current year. Do your due diligence and use this calendar to choose “OPEN DATES” in an effort to allow each group to obtain its highest participation level.

This process benefits ALL of you! Please follow protocol.

All events on this calendar must be in San Diego County.

Please complete the form below and submit for approval.

After form is submitted, feel free to email your event flyer to sdacc.events@yahoo.com to be added to the event. (MUST be JPEG and LARGE size to be readable/printable!)